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Chair for Metals and Alloys

DFG Schwerpunktprogramm / Priority Programme Compositionally Complex Alloys – High Entropy Alloys (CCA-HEA)

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Project List

Thermomechanical properties and microstructure of fcc and bcc high-entropy alloys

Principal Investigator: Albe (TU Darmstadt), Durst (TU Darmstadt), Wilde (Uni Münster)

Additional Investigator: Bruder (TU Darmstadt) ; Stukowski (TU Darmstadt) ; Rösner (Uni Münster)

PhD: Keil, Tom  (TU Darmstadt, Dec 2017) ; Utt, Daniel (TU Darmstadt / Nov 2017) ; Kottke Josua (Uni Münster / Oct 2017) ;                  Nag, Shanka (TU Darmstadt  / Jan 2021) ; Taheriniya, Shabnam (Uni Münster / Oct 2020); Mohan Garlapati (Uni Münster) 

From Chaos to Order: Local Structure in Compositionally Complex Alloy Al8Co17Cr17Cu8Fe17Ni33

Principal Investigator: Banhart (HZ Berlin)

Additional Investigator: Manzoni (BAM Berlin), Schumacher (HZ Berlin)

PhD: Fantin (HZ Berlin, TU Berlin / Oct 2017)

Mechanical properties and hydrogen tolerance of particle-reinforced CCA produced by additive manufacturing (MarioCCArt)

Principal Investigator: Dehm (MPIE Düsseldorf) ; Jägle (Univ. der Bundeswehr München) ; Ellendt (Uni Bremen / Jul 2022); Uhlenwinkel (Uni Bremen / until Jun 2022)

PhD: Lee, Subin (MPIE Düsseldorf / Jan 2021); Devulapalli, Vivek (MPIE Düsseldorf / March 2022); Schulz, Fiona (Uni BW München / Jul 2022)

Particle-strengthened Compositionally Complex Alloys - interlinking powder synthesis, additive manufacturing, microstructure evolution and deformation mechanisms (PaCCman)

Principal Investigator: Dehm (MPIE Düsseldorf) ; Jägle (Univ. der Bundeswehr München); Uhlenwinkel (Uni Bremen)

PhD: Gärtner, Eric (Uni Bremen, MPIE Düsseldorf / May 2018); Nicolas Peter (MPIE Düsseldorf / Jul 2018); 

New Quinary and Senary High Entropy Shape Memory Alloys (HE-SMA) – Exploring and Exploiting Martensitic Transformations and Shape Memory Effects in Chemically Complex Systems

Principal Investigator: Eggeler (RU Bochum) ; Maier (Uni Hannover) ; Frenzel (RU Bochum)

PhD: Oluwabi, Oluwaseyi (RU Bochum) ; Hinte, Christian (Uni Hannover / Nov 2020)

Microstructure-Functional Behavior-Relationships in High Entropy Shape Memory Alloys

Principal Investigator: Eggeler (RU Bochum) ; Maier (Uni Hannover) ; Frenzel (RU Bochum)

PhD: Piorunek, David (RU Bochum / Jan 2018) ; Hermann, Maike  (Uni Hannover / Oct 2017)

Local-to-average crystal structures and mechanical properties in High-Entropy and Compositionally Complex fccbcc and hcp-based alloys studied by synchrotron methods

Principal Investigator: Fantin (HZB Berlin & TU Berlin)

Approx. Start Date May 2021

Entropy Effects on Mechanical Properties of Single-Phase High Entropy Alloys

Principal Investigator: Feuerbacher (FZ Jülich) ; Glatzel (Uni Bayreuth)

PhD: Lienig, Tim (FZ Jülich / Sep 2017) ; Gadelmeier, Christian (Uni Bayreuth / Oct 2017) ; Rosenkranz, Laura (Uni Bayreuth / Apr 2021)

Strength and deformation of precious high entropy alloys

Principal Investigator: Freudenberger (IFW Dresden)   

PhD: Thiel, Felix (IFW Dresden / Oct 2017) ; Drescher, Sophie (IFW Dresden / Jan 2021) ; 

Development of refractory metal-besed CCAs with improved mechanical properties

Principal Investigator: Gorr (KIT Karlsruhe) ; Heilmaier (KIT Karlsruhe)

PhD: Müller, Franz (Oct 2017) ; Chen, Hans (Jan 2018) ; Schellert, Steven (Jul 2018)

Identification of the intrinsic deformation mechanisms of single phase body-centered cubic high entropy alloy

Principal Investigator: Gruber (KIT Karlsruhe / phase 2) ; Schwaiger (FZ Jülich); Brandl (KIT Karlsruhe / phase 1)

PhD: Deck, Korbinian (KIT Karlsruhe / Jan 2018) ; Basu, Silva (FZ Jülich / Jan 2018) ; Wang, Jin (KIT Karlsruhe)

High-throughput experimental and Calphad screening of CCAs (Hi-TeCC) - towards new alloys with exceptional mechanical properties

Principal Investigator: Haase (RWTH Aachen) ; Hallstedt (RWTH Aachen)

PhD:  Kies, Fabian (RWTH Aachen / Oct 2017) ; Noori, Mehdi (RWTH Aachen / Mar 2018); Oppermann, Felix (RWTH Aachen / Aug 21)

Deformation Mechanisms in FCC and BCC High Entropy Alloys Under Various Conditions

Principal Investigator: Kauffmann (KIT Karlsruhe) ; Weiss (KIT Karlsruhe)

PhD: Srinivasan Tirunilai, A. (KIT Karlsruhe / Oct 2017) ; Chen, Hans (KIT Karlsruhe / Nov 2020)

Design and mechanical properties of compositionally complex alloys from twinning-induced towards bidirectional transformation-induced plasticity (MULTI-TRIP CCAs)

Principal Investigator: Körmann (MPIE Düsseldorf) ; Raabe (MPIE Düsseldorf)

PhD: Ma, Yan (PostDoc, MPIE Düsseldorf / Jan 2021)

Interstitial transformation-induced plasticity-assisted quinary compositionally complex alloys: Design, structure and mechanical behavior (TRIP-iCCAs )

Principal Investigator: Körmann (MPIE Düsseldorf) ; Raabe (MPIE Düsseldorf)

PhD: Ikeda, Yuji (PostDoc MPIE Düsseldorf / Sep 17) ; Li, Zhiming (PostDoc MPIE Düsseldorf / Jul 17)

Phase stability, precipitation kinetics, nanoscale elemental distributions and their effect on tensile properties in refractory TiZrNbHfTa BCC high-entropy alloys

Principal Investigator: Laplanche (RU Bochum) ; Li (RU Bochum)

PhD:  Gemagami, Parham (Jan 2021), Maik Rajkowski (2022)

Solid solution strengthening in TiZrNbHfTa BCC high entropy alloys

Principal Investigator: Laplanche (RU Bochum) ; Gurevich (RU Bochum)

PhD: Dobbelstein Henrik (Sep 17)

Tailored precipitation (B2, L21) strengthened, compositionally complex FeAlCr (Mn, Co, Ni, Ti) alloys for high temperature applications

Principal Investigator: Liebscher (MPIE Düsseldorf) ; Schneider (RWTH Aachen)

PhD: Wolff-Goodrich, S. (MPIE Düsseldorf / Nov 2017) ; Amalraj, Marshal (RWTH Aachen / Nov 2017)

Polycrystalline High Entropy Superalloys (PHESA) – Combining novel strengthening mechanisms in compositionally complex CoNiCr-based superalloys with a large fraction of multicomponent intermetallic precipitates

Principal Investigator: Neumeier (FAU Erlangen)

PhD: Bezold, Andreas (FAU Erlangen / Jan 2021)

Coordination SPP 2006 CCA-HEA

Principal Investigator: Glatzel

Zeitler, S. (1/2 Secr.) / Täuber, I. (1/2 Secr.) ;

Laura Rosenkranz (1/4 PhD.);  Haas, Sebastian (1/4 PhD)

Webmaster: Beate Heinz-Deuerling

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