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Chair for Metals and Alloys

DFG Schwerpunktprogramm / Priority Programme Compositionally Complex Alloys – High Entropy Alloys (CCA-HEA)

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Awards / Poster

  • ERC Starting Grants für RWTH-Forschende

Dr. Christian Haase, Dr. Ioana Slabu


  • DGM Young Talent Prize 2021

Dr.-Ing. Yan Ma


  • 2021: Manfred-Hirschvogel-Preis, Beste Dissertation der KIT-Fakultät Maschinenbau

Dr.-Ing. Hans Chen

"Gefüge und Eigenschaften von äquiatomaren Legierungen aus dem System Ta-Nb-Mo-Cr-Ti-Al" (doi:10.5445/IR/1000118090)

  • 2021: Best Presentation Award / MRS Spring Meeting

Aditya Srinivasan Tirunilai / KIT Karlsruhe

  • 2021: Best poster award / Microscopy Conference (MC 2021)

Shabnam Taheriniya / University of Münster


  • 2020: Best poster presentation / conference "Thermodynamic of Alloys" (TOFA)

Mehdi Noori / RWTH Aachen


  • 2018: Lee Sun Lecture Award / Institut of Metal Research (IMR), Chinese Academy of Science

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Uwe Glatzel / University of Bayreuth

Webmaster: Beate Heinz-Deuerling

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